June 4 – 6, 2021
On behalf of the GRS Executive Committee,
During the Georgia Radiological Society Board meeting, we had much discussion about whether or not to proceed with the in-person meeting at the King and Prince scheduled to be held 4-6 June 2021. After much deliberation by the executive board, with thoughtful and considered input from the Education Committee members and our speakers and moderators, we have decided that the COVID situation remains too unpredictable to proceed. We also took into account the fact the ACR annual meeting will be remote, and other national organizations holding meetings around and even after ours have elected to proceed virtually.. The business meeting will be held virtually on Sunday, 6 June 2021, with details to follow under separate cover.
GRS Executive Board
SAVE THE DATE: Please join us for a virtual annual GRS business meeting Sunday, June 6, 2020, 8:30 AM. The agenda will include the proposed 2021-22 GRS Councilor slate, a legislative update, and a review of GRS finances. Meeting information will follow.